Thursday, August 26, 2004

And the blogging begins.

Before I begin this, I must inform you all that I really am no good at the blogging thing. I keep a Xanga, mostly for my own entertainment, but it hardly has any depth or meaning to it. In fact, there is nowhere that I truly write out the events, emotions, and thoughts of my day-to-day life. And so, inspired by my dear, amazing friend Andrea, I have gotten a blog here. This is where I will pour out the secrets of what goes on in my mind, where I will say things that I rarely tell anyone, and also, as most teenage blogs usually are, where I will bitch and moan about my existence.
So where to begin? I suppose I should explain a bit about myself. I am Reverend Lydia, and yes, I am a reverend. That all happened thanks to a lovely little website called Universal Ministries. It's quite fun. I have heard of people ordaining their cats through similar sites. But back to me. I have recently turned sixteen and I live in a small Midwestern city that you all know as Kansas City (but the Missouri side, of course - the better side.) On Monday morning I shall begin my sophomore year at a public college prep school and get back into the groove of highschool. I dread going back, as any normal kid would, and wish that I could continue living this lazy summer life.
Also, I got a kitten yesterday. It's my maternal stage, I'm guessing, that made me want something small and furry to raise. However, I think I may have made a mistake. My older cat, Tiger, who I've had since I was two, now hates the kitten and me. But of course I'm far too infatuated with the kitten to get rid of her, so what, oh what, is a girl to do?
Hopefully once school rolls around I'll have more sensible things to worry about.
Tonight, yet unknown friends, I am going to retire (hopefully) at some point before midnight, so I shall cut this entry short and leave you with these words: I swear I shall blog.